Thai Peanut Sauce

~ With amazing, award-winning fire-roasted-chile hot pepper jelly from Hacienda Maize ~

Take the best of Colorado chiles, Jammin’ Jellies with complex flavors of the world, add peanut butter and…voilá, a Thai-like Peanut Sauce to accompany veggies, meats, noodles…


  • 1 c Hacienda Maize™ Fire-Roasted Chile Jammin’ Jelly™
  • 1 c. peanut butter
  • 1/2 c. coconut milk, water or chicken bouillon
  • Juice of two limes
  • Fresh scallions and cilantro for garnish


  1. Melt Jammin’ Jelly and peanut butter in saucepan. Thin to desired consistency with coconut milk, water or bouillon.
  2. Add lime juice to finish, and top in serving dish with scallions (sliced diagonally) and chopped cilantro.
  3. Stir sauce into stir-fried vegetables and fruits, noodles, meats/seafood or serve alongside grilled skewers (mix) or a fresh vegetable/fruit plate.

! Savor !

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